ECTE Induction Tutors
This page is for induction tutors looking after participants on the ECTE from September 2025. If you are looking for guidance for cohorts that started before September 2025, consult our legacy pages.

Live Support Sessions for Induction Tutors
Links to these virtual sessions are shared in the Induction Tutor newsletters at the start of each term. Please e-mail if you can’t access the session.
Induction Tutor Development Forum:
Thursday 10th April – 3:45-4:45pm hosted on Zoom
Induction Tutor Drop-in Training:
Induction Tutor Development Forum:
Monday 31st March – 3:45-4:45pm
Drop ins – for queries and support
30/4/25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
15/5/25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
3/6//25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
19/6/25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
New programme information – prepare for September
10/6/25 – 3:30-4:30 Induction Tutor Webinar – Preparing for ECTE from September 25
24/6/25 – 3:30-4:30 Induction Tutor Webinar – Preparing for ECTE from September 25
New programme information – preparation support
14/7/25 – 3:30-4:30 Induction Tutor Webinar – Preparing for ECTE from September 25
4/9/25 – 3:30-4:30 Induction Tutor Webinar – Preparing for ECTE from September 25
Drop ins – for queries and support
16/9/25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
9/10/25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
20/10/25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
11/11/25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
27/11/25 – 3:45-4:30 Induction Tutor drop-in
Induction Tutor Guidance and FAQs:
Progress review – completed at the end of terms 1, 2, 4 & 5 by the induction tutor. A summary of progress against the teacher standards that term, including whether or not an ECT is on track.
Formal review – completed at the end of term 3 by the induction tutor. A detailed report about the ECT’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards.
Final Assessment – completed at the end of term 6 by the induction tutor. A detailed report about the ECT’s practice and readiness to complete Induction, against the Teachers’ Standards.
You can find a range of examples below.
It is the responsibility of the Induction Tutor to complete all reports regarding an ECT.
Mentors’ evidence and reflections can contribute to the content of a report, and we encourage you to use their input. However, it is not appropriate for a Mentor to complete an ECT’s report.
You should base your report on evidence gathered from observations you have completed, and the contributions of the mentor.
The induction tutor is, in effect, a proxy of the headteacher when making decisions and judgments about the progress of an ECT through their induction period.
Progress reviews (terms 1, 2 4 and 5) only need to be signed by the ECT and Induction Tutor.
Formal reviews and final assessments (terms 3 and 6) must be signed by the ECT, Induction Tutor and Headteacher.
This link takes you to a video guide for the reports to be written at the end of terms 1, 2, 4 and 5.
This link takes you to a video guide for the formal reports at the end of terms 3 and 6.
These links takes you to written examples for the reports to be written at the end of terms 1, 2, 4 and 5.
These links takes you to written examples for the reports to be written at the end of terms 3 and 6.
Specialist Settings
ECTs must not experience discrimination or disparity as a result of pregnancy and/or maternity leave. There are specific provisions in place in the statutory guidance to protect ECTs from discrimination.
The most important of these is the choice upon their return to work.
An ECT who takes statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental, parental bereavement or carer’s leave can choose to:
- Continue their induction without extension (effectively skipping the content and coaching for the period of leave)
- Extend their induction and resume at the point that they left off.
Regardless of the ECT’s decision, they will be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards at the end of induction. ECTs should seek advice before making this decision.
ECTs can be absent for up to 29 days in each year of their induction, without penalty or extension. Once an ECT reaches 30 days in an academic year, they will automatically trigger an absence extension equal to the number of days absence accrued.
A ‘year’ of induction is equal to three terms for a full-time ECT. For example, ECTs who begin their induction in January will have their absence total counted until December of the same calendar year.
You can read our full gudiance on ECT absence by clicking the button below:
What do we do if we think an ECT might not be on track to meet the standards?
If informal monitoring, including lesson drop-ins, suggests that an ECT may not be on track, the school must put informal support in place to enable them to meet the teacher standards. This could include:
- Additional mentoring
- Instructional coaching to address areas of concern
- Support with planning/marking
- Submission of planning to provide additional guidance
- Team teaching so the experienced teacher can model effective strategies and provide support in the moment
- Observations of colleagues to learn good practice/strategies
- Drop ins by the mentor/Induction Tutor/SENCO etc. to provide guidance
- Additional observations to acknowledge progress and identify where further support is required
- Support from a Subject Lead/Phase Lead/SENCO
What happens if I mark an ECT as ‘not on track’ in a review?
If any of an ECT’s reports (progress review, formal review or final assessment) are marked as not on track on ECT manager, the Appropriate Body will contact the school directly.
Once this judgment has been made, the Appropriate Body will support the school to implement a formal support plan.
You can read our full guidance on supporting ECTs who are not on track by clicking the button below:
You can always contact our team for support. The menu below will help you find the right person to contact. If in doubt, ECF related enquiries should be directed to our ECT inbox:
The Arthur Terry TSH website is updated on a regular basis. The dates, times and venues for our events are also available on the ECTE Events page.
For technical problems with the EDT portal please contact EDT directly:
Please quote the name of your school, your URN and the nature of your problem. You should receive a response within 48 hours.
Registrations for ECTs joining your school in September 2025 are open. Full details on the registration process for the 24-25 academic year can be found on our registration page.
Any changes to existing ECTs or mentor details can be made directly on the DfE portal.
Please contact Laura Smith at the Arthur Terry Teaching School Hub, North Birmingham
Please contact:
Angela Whitehouse
Please contact:
Joe Gavin:
To support Induction Tutors to be as effective as possible in their roles, we have created a guide to being an Induction Tutor, working through the different stages of the EEF’s Implementation Cycle.
Below, you can download our latest implementation guidance for Induction Tutors.
Usernames and passwords to the Education Development Trust Portal are now being sent out to ECTs and mentors on a rolling basis. This is triggered automatically when ECTs and mentors are registered on ECT manager and DFE.
These details will be sent from Please ask your ECTs and mentors to check their junk, spam and clutter folders before requesting these details be resent.
Please make sure you have entered a valid e-mail address into the DfE portal for your new ECTs. The e-mail address listed on the DfE website will be the one which is used to issue usernames and passwords and to correspond with ECTs. This will also be their user name for the EDT portal.
Events Information
Mentor Training Event Structure

Mentors on the new programme benefit from a one year training programme. You can see the structure of the mentor training course in the graphic opposite.
If you are looking for information about ECF Mentor training that started before September 2025, please consult our legacy pages:
ECTE Events Structure

ECTE events are designed to work flexibly, with ECTs attending one event each term.
This means that no matter what point in the year an ECT joins their school, they just attend one event, with all ECTs across the region.
While our events do cover content and evidence from the self-study components, they are designed to support ECTs regardless of which point they are at in their independent online work.
You can see how this works for the three starting points in the drop-downs below.
If you are looking for information about courses that started before September 2025, consult our legacy pages.
Conference 1 date:
Conference 1 venue:
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Event 1 (6 hour conference) date:
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