What is the Early Career Framework?

The Early Career Framework (ECF) is a two year package of professional development, designed to help you transition from your Initial Teaching Training into your first teaching position.

What will I be learning about?

The Early Career Framework builds on the knowledge and skills you developed during your Initial Teacher Training.  All of the materials are accredited by the DfE and endorsed by the Education Endowment Foundation.

They cover areas including:

  • Behaviour management
  • Pedagogy
  • Curriculum
  • Assessment
  • Professional behaviours

What do I need to do?

Over the two years of the Early Career Professional Development Programme, you will work through 12 Blocks, one per half term. Each Block has been designed using the ECF evidence base to exemplify what really works in the classroom and how pupils learn.

Each half term, ECTs must:

Work through the self-study content and evidence base on the EDT portal each week during your ECT time, including watching any webinars.

Meet with your mentor once a week*, to discuss learning from the self-study materials and identify next steps to move your practice forward.

Attend face to face and / or virtual training sessions with other ECTs from North Birmingham once per term. 

Complete the survey at the end of the block and reflect on your progress and action points to support your development.

*Mentor meetings move to twice a week in year two.

More information can be found in your welcome pack which your Induction Tutor will share with you.

All of the content for your self-study sessions and your weekly mentor meetings can be found by visiting ECF: DP Dashboard (

Once your Induction Tutor has registered you on the DfE portal, EDT are able to send out your user name and password. These will be sent from Please check your junk, clutter or other inboxes if you haven’t seen these details.

If you haven’t received your user name and password for this site please attempt to re-set your login details. You can do this by visiting ECF: DP Dashboard (, entering your school e-mail address as your username and then click re-set password. If this doesn’t work, please e-mail

When will the ECT events take place?

ECTs and ECTs+1 will attend three events. ECTs have been split into groups based on phase and specialism. Your Induction Tutor will be able to tell you which group you are in. More information about each event will be sent out to ECTs two weeks prior to the event.

When are my training events?

Events vary by cohort and group. You can find all the details of our ECF events by going to our events page, or by clicking the button below.

Who do I contact if I have a problem?

Speak to your mentor and/or induction tutor in your school.
If they can’t answer your question, please e-mail our ECF team on