Recruitment Strategies Checklist

You can use this handy checklist to review your actions so far as a school. You can view or download the checklist here.

  • Produce a calendar each term of “Train to Teach” information sessions.
  • Train a team of teachers to become ITT advocates.  This team can support recruitment, run events, provide information, host potential applicants etc.
  • Advertise all activities on the DfE “Get into Teaching”  Get Into Teaching GOV.UK, , school websites, school newsletters, area Headteacher meetings, area Headteacher weekly briefings, social media channels
  • Conduct in person train to teach information sessions in schools across your local area.  For example, hold coffee mornings, after school and evening events in the school where they can train.
  • Conduct virtual train to teach information sessions, making sure you have information available for non-UK citizens.
  • Produce “Routes into Teaching” information booklet containing myth and jargon busters to help potential applicants understand what to do next.
  • Provide school tours and school experience days for potential applicants Get school experience – Get school experience – GOV.UK to shadow a teacher for the day and talk about the positives aspects of being a teacher.
  • Create culture of recruitment opportunities through phase and subject network meetings.
  • Attend local careers fairs to raise the profile of teaching and training to teach in your local area.
  • Conduct “How to apply” sessions for potential applicants Apply for teacher training – GOV.UK
  • Provide DfE paid teacher internships in shortage subjects Teaching internships programme – GOV.UK
  • Provide unsponsored internships for non-shortage subjects to attract applicants.
  • Provide opportunities for Sixth Form students to shadow a teacher during their weekly enrichment sessions.
  • Provide work experience opportunities for Year 10, 12 and 13 students to expose them to teaching for the future.
  • Produce and market ITT and ECT success case studies throughout the year.
  • Advertise all activities through a variety of media channels to attract all demographics: Website, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, X, TikTok, newspapers, radio and cinema.

Fully editable versions of all resources are available to schools who complete the Recruitment and Retention Audit Tool.

Quick links to section homepages:

Our Toolkit for Schools

This toolkit is designed to support schools with recruitment within their local communities, alumni, and from the wider market.

These resources are free to all schools and can be adapted to suit your context and needs.