Get into Teaching – DfE Web Resources

The Department for Education has a highly developed online ecosystem to support schools and candidates to understand, access and apply for teacher training. Below we have signposted a range or key pages from their site for you to consult.

Supporting Teacher Training

Get into Teaching Portal – A great starting point for schools and candidates that guides you to the appropriate information for your needs.

Get into Teaching Events – Support your alumni and potential recruits to train by signposting local Get into Teaching Events. This page allows you to search by postcode for local sessions.

How to become a Teacher – Step by step guide for those who want further information of all that is required to become a Teacher in England.

Train to be a Teacher – Detailed information about all routes into teaching, including those for people who have not yet completed degrees.

Non UK Citizens – information for non UK citizens interested in gaining QTS.

Supporting School Experience and Placements

Create opportunities and find recruits – offering school experience placements is a great way to find talent and meet the colleagues of tomorrow. Use this page to register your school for single day school experience placements.

Signpost the school experience portal – parents, colleagues, alumni might not know that the school experience portal exists. They can use this page to sign up for a school experience visit.

DfE guidance for schools wanting to host placements – this page explains what is required of schools to host ITT placements and recruit the colleagues of the future.

Don’t forget, if your school wants to offer placements and get more involved in ITT provision, you can access support and guidance by completing our ‘Get Involved in ITT’ tool. This tool is supported by 19 ITT providers across the West Midlands and will link you to our services. We will support you to find the right ITT provider for your location and needs, even if it is outside of the West Midlands.

Want to improve your school’s recruitment success by getting more involved in ITT? Let us help you to find the right provider for you:

Initial Teacher Training | Get Involved

Quick links to section homepages:

Our Toolkit for Schools

This toolkit is designed to support schools with recruitment within their local communities, alumni, and from the wider market.

These resources are free to all schools and can be adapted to suit your context and needs.