ITT Dedicated Page

A cost-effective way to promote your school’s culture of positivity for recruitment and to support your ITT provider is to include key information and links on a dedicated page on your school’s website. Below are some examples of the kind of copy you might include.

Fully editable versions of all resources are available to schools who complete the Recruitment and Retention Audit Tool.

Signpost your ITT provider

Teacher Training at xxxx School


We are committed to supporting the training of new teachers coming in to the profession. Working in partnership with the Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub and University of Warwick we provide placements and training opportunities for those training to teach.

We offer these through the Partner Led teacher training programme within our school.

You will be part of our school teaching team from the very start, receiving expert support from experienced teachers and mentors. You will access an outstanding academic programme of study at the University of Warwick which will support you to understand the theory behind teaching whilst developing and practicing your skills in school.

We can also provide short term experience placements for those considering teaching as a career.

We are recruiting trainee teachers now. Please contact the Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub by emailing or calling 01788 843755. Alternatively, do speak to us in school.

Emphasise the strengths of your ITT offer

Why train with us?

Our teacher training programme aims to ‘grow our own’ teachers to work within our local alliance and the region as a whole. Many who have completed their initial teacher training with us remain in our partnership, gaining employment in our schools, coaching others on the course and supporting new entrants to the profession. Many now hold leadership positions in our partner schools and across the region.

Our train to teach completion rate and employment rate have always been consistently above the national average.  

For many, completing the course is often not the end, but just the beginning. Large numbers of trainees access our continuing professional development courses with the support of their employing school through our Teaching School Hub to support their ongoing career development.

We are very proud of our teacher training course. Over 400 people have qualified as teachers since 2012. You could be part of the Arthur Terry SCITT family too!

Quick links to section homepages:

Our Toolkit for Schools

This toolkit is designed to support schools with recruitment within their local communities, alumni, and from the wider market.

These resources are free to all schools and can be adapted to suit your context and needs.