Good News Stories – Stacey

Stacey is now a teacher and SEND champion at Two Gates Primary School, having worked with special needs children throughout her adult life. Her story showcases how support from the dedicated leaders in School Centred Initial Teacher Training can lay the foundation for a stable, successful career.

“Teaching has provided me with stability and consistency, with the right team of awesome teachers and support staff around me.” – Stacey

My career in education and SEND began at the young age of 18, working as a voluntary playworker alongside children with autism. Following the birth of my son, I decided to channel my passion for education in SEND and whilst studying for my initial qualifications, worked within many different special schools all over the West Midlands as a teaching assistant.

I gained a wealth of experience as an agency worker, juggling family life and finding time to study – which wasn’t always easy with a toddler! As a qualified teaching assistant, I felt my journey was incomplete and applied for a newly introduced BA Degree at Newman University (Solihull College Campus.)

Within the three years of day-release study, I gained employment at a primary school in Tamworth, where I worked closely with the school SENCO, delivering interventions to pupils with SEND and EAL.

It was here that I was so very fortunate to not only meet, but also work as a teaching assistant alongside Jane Embleton, who was – and has continued to be – my absolute cheerleader in my success in gaining QTS. Jane spent two long years encouraging me to enroll on the Arthur Terry SCITT, but due to a lack of self-confidence and apprehensions around family and work-life balance, I was initially skeptical! However, with Jane’s persistence and an initial interview into the SCITT, which was a relaxed and supportive environment, I agreed! Five years later, here I am!

  • Teaching is NEVER boring – every single day is different! Different challenges, different successes.
  • It is the most exhaustively rewarding role you will ever experience!
  • Every day is a school day…literally! I learn something new about or with my children hourly.
  • Teaching keeps you young and in tune with the next generation!
  • You become part of an amazing family of staff who walk down the corridor and make statements that you know for a fact, outside of those walls, no one else would have clue about!

Teaching has provided me with stability and consistency, with the right team of awesome teachers and support staff around me. It has allowed me to bring together all of my prior working experience and knowledge around SEND to ensure an inclusive and thriving classroom environment for all pupils in my care.

I have been fortunate enough to develop leadership skills in realms that I did not feel I possessed the requirements for and as a result, have found a new self-confidence in continuing my ambition to further my career in education.

My role has taken me to depth within specific subjects, the opportunity to support staff in developing a successful curriculum in my subject area, reducing workload from experience, in addition to supporting in the training of a SCITT student who has also successfully continued her career in the ATLP.

Work hard and be passionate. It rarely goes unnoticed.

Ask for advice if you are struggling or require support with something. You will have a wealth of experience at your fingertips in your school and someone will have encountered the same thing before.

Find out what really ignites your interest and passion. Is there a particular area you would like to focus on development wise? Seek out lead practitioners in your placement schools and explore the possibility of shadowing them.  Use networking opportunities to build your expertise and connections.  Volunteer for training opportunities and investigate CPD provided through national literacy organisations, many of which offer great online courses – some for free.

Build your knowledge and expertise of children’s literature. There are a variety of great educational and publishing blogs and websites you can follow. Think about how you can develop reading for pleasure in your classroom.

Teaching is hard work. Look after your mental health and physical wellbeing, including prioritising sleep! Make time for friends and family – they are your biggest supporters.

Do not underestimate the impact that a fresh pair of eyes and your life experience (however old you are) can bring to the profession.  Whatever your background, you will have something valuable to offer and the opportunity to pass on your own passions and knowledge to the next generation. Have confidence in your abilities.

If you feel that the setting is not right for you – you probably haven’t found the right school.  Do not give up! The right place and the right team are out their waiting for you.

Want to give an opportunity to someone like Stacey by getting more involved in ITT? Let us help you to find the right provider:

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