Finding your route into teaching

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for future teachers is working out how to become one in the first place. On this page, we have curated a range of resources and links that schools can use to communicate the options available in England.

Credit: Star TSH Network

Fully editable versions of all resources are available to schools who complete the Recruitment and Retention Audit Tool.

What do these terms mean?

To train to teach, you must have a university degree, with honours. You can learn more about the most common types of degree here:

  • The most common route if you are wishing to teach a subject in secondary schools.
  • Typically, a three-year university course.
  • Level 3 qualifications would be required.
  • Tuition fees apply – These vary per university (approximately £9,250 per year).
  • Funding support is available through Student Finance.
  • With a Bachelor’s degree, you would then need to complete a one-year postgraduate course to achieve QTS.
  • A common route if you are wishing to teach in primary schools.
  • Typically, a three or four-year university course that includes QTS.
  • Level 3 qualifications would be required.
  • Tuition fees apply – These vary per university (approximately £9,250 per year).
  • Funding support is available through Student Finance.
  • You might also be eligible for bursaries and scholarships (subject-dependant).

Please note, these are minimum criteria for degree qualifications. Postgraduate degrees are a great additional qualification for teachers to have.

Teacher Degree Apprenticeships (TDAs)

  • A new route to becoming a qualified teacher.
  • A 4-year full-time programme that involves working in a school and earning
    a salary, whilst working towards getting a Bachelor’s degree with QTS.
  • Level 3 qualifications would be required.
  • Fully-funded – No tuition fees and you will also receive a salary.
  • You will spend approximately 40% of your time studying for a degree
    with a university.
  • A one-year programme delivered by a university, a School Centred InitialTeacher Training provider (SCITT) or a School Direct partnership.
  • Tuition fees apply – these are approximately £9,250.
  • Funding support is available through Student Finance.
  • Bursaries and scholarships are available for certain secondary subjects.

University Lecture-based postgraduate course which includes at least two school placements.  
School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) A school-based course with regular training delivered by a SCITT.The PGCE qualification is delivered by a partner university.  
School Direct A school-based course with regular training delivered by a partner university or School Centred Initial Teacher (SCITT) provider. Salaried places available where you are paid as an unqualified teacher with the school paying the tuition fees. Most programmes lead to a PGCE qualification (there may be an additional cost to you for this). Fee-funded places available. Course fees are usually around £9,250 but funding support is available via Student Finance. For certain subjects, bursaries and scholarships are available up to £31,000. The PGCE qualification is delivered by a partner university.

PGTA (Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship)

  • A relatively new route to becoming a qualified teacher.
  • A full-time employment-based programme that involves working in a school, whilst earning a salary.
  • Fully-funded – No tuition fees and you will also receive a salary.
  • Most programmes lead to a PGCE qualification (there may be an additional cost to you for this).

Assessment-only route to QTS

  • 3 month fast-track route for experienced unqualified teachers that have sole responsibility for teaching, assessment and planning.
  • You must be able to prove you meet the Teachers’ Standards without
    needing additional training.
  • You will complete a series of assessments over 12 weeks.
  • Fees are usually between £1,500 – £4,000 (may be covered through your school).
Resources for Leaders

Star Teaching School Hub Network have created a helpful resource booklet for schools, which you can view in full here:

Quick links to section homepages:

Our Toolkit for Schools

This toolkit is designed to support schools with recruitment within their local communities, alumni, and from the wider market.

These resources are free to all schools and can be adapted to suit your context and needs.