From September 2025, the package of training for teachers in the first two years of the career, has been renamed. Moving forward, the statutory entitlement will be known as the Early Career Training Entitlement.

You can read all about the changes from the previous iteration, on our informative blog post:

To get you to the right information quicker, choose a button below, or for more information read on:

Older Early Career Programmes

For information about ECF programmes that started before September 2025, please consult our legacy ECF website pages.

The information on the above link will be relevant for all ECTs and Mentors who started their training in September, January or April of the 23-24 and 24-25 academic years.

Introducing the ECF Team

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Ange Whitehouse

ECT Operations Lead

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Joe Gavin

Deputy Director

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Laura Smith

TSH Administrator

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Tracy Williams

ECF Support

All ECTs must be registered with an Appropriate Body (AB) in order to complete statutory induction. The AB is responsible for ECT assessment and registration.

All ECTs must also complete a 2-year induction that is based on the Early Career Framework The ECF programme is the statutory ECT professional development programme.

There are two separate sign-up processes.  Many schools complete one but not the other and then find that their ECT is not correctly registered.

If you register your ECT with the Teaching School Hub for both AB and for our ECF full induction programme, all of your ECT services will be in one place. You can be reassured that your ECTs are receiving a fully resourced, evidenced-informed induction programme that fully complies with the ECT statutory entitlements.

This will also simplify the registration process.  You will have one point of contact within the TSH team who will be able to respond rapidly to your queries and support you through the registration process on ECT manager and the DfE portal.