Appropriate Body Newsletter – Spring ’25
Wednesday 29th January, 2025

This issue contains important information for induction tutors and headteachers for this term. Use these quick links to get to the right sections quickly:
Thank you for registering your Early Career Teachers (ECTs) with us as your Appropriate Body (AB), we hope that the following information will assist you in supporting your ECTs.
Evidence is required in Progress Reviews & Assessments
Thank you for keeping us up to date with your ECTs’ progress in the latest Progress Reviews. We enjoyed reading about the progress of your ECTs and appreciate all the support provided to secure their development in the Teachers’ Standards.
Please remember to provide some examples from your ECT’s practice when completing Progress Reviews and Assessments. It is not sufficient to provide a series of can-do statements related to the Teachers’ Standards. We require the EVIDENCE that your ECT is making satisfactory progress against the Teachers’ Standards, or the Progress Review may be returned for the inclusion of evidence.
For example, if your ECT has make good progress with TS6: Make accurate and productive use of assessment. Your evidence could be that lesson drop ins have noted effective use of cold calling to ensure that all pupils understand the work, that targeted questioning is used to check for understanding and challenge thinking further. That there is evidence of making good use of summative assessments at the end of each unit to identify areas which require re-capping in future lessons and to inform intervention for named pupils. Evidence could also be the outcomes of exercise book monitoring by Subject Leads, and that they identified clear guidance is provided to pupils on how to make improvements. Evidence from exam/test moderation could also demonstrate that the ECT’s marking is in line with others in the Department/Year Group.
We recommend that Progress Reviews focus on TWO Teachers’ Standards that your ECT has been concentrating on over the term and providing a paragraph on each. Please read sample Progress Reviews on this link: LINK TO PROGRESS REVIEW SAMPLES
Example texts for an ECT On track can be found under Resources on ECT Manager. There are also example texts for an ECT not on track.
This video, hosted on You Tube is a walk through on completing the Progress Review on ECT Manager.
Spring & Summer Term 2025 Submission Dates
The following dates have been set for Progress Reviews and Assessments to be submitted on ECT Manager. ECTs who start midterm or have an extended ECT induction will have a personalised submission date:
Spring Term: Friday 28th March 2025
Summer Term: Friday 27th June 2025
According to the DfE Guidance for ECTs, Progress Review & Assessment meetings should be conducted by the Induction Tutor or Headteacher and not the mentor unless the mentor is the Induction Tutor.
There should be no surprises for your ECT when it comes to their Progress Review or Assessment meeting. Please ensure that you have kept your ECT informed of their progress throughout the term. This includes providing verbal and written feedback following observations. If your ECTs are observed as part of Learning Walks, they should also be provided with written feedback on these.
Mentor & Induction Tutor should be different teachers
We have noticed that some schools are using the same teacher as Mentor and Induction Tutor. Pages 27-28 of The DfE Guidance for Early Career Teachers strongly recommends that in most schools these roles should be fulfilled by different teachers. There can be a conflict of interest if an ECT is not on track and the same teacher is acting as Mentor and Induction Tutor.
Schools should also generally not have multiple Induction Tutors. A school can have many mentors but should usually have one Induction Tutor to make the assessment of ECTs against the Teachers’ Standards, and provide regular monitoring of the support being provided to ECTs.
ECTs not on track & ECT changes
Please keep us up to date on serious concerns you have regarding the progress of your ECT and changes in the circumstances of your ECTs. For example, if your ECT is changing schools, is on long term sick leave, will be taking maternity leave, has resigned etc.
Appropriate Body or ECF Provider?
For concerns related to the progress of an ECT completing a successful induction please contact the Appropriate Body. who will sign post appropriate support for you.
For questions about the Early Career Framework if your delivery partner is Arthur Terry TSH pleasecontact .
Those with Ambition Institute, Best Practice, Teach First or UCL Early Career Consortium should be aware of your delivery partner’s contact details.
If we can help you with any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.